On Proofreading Three Times

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In a deck with good vertical and horizontal logic, it helps – I find – to proofread in three separate passes:

  • First, a proofreading of the horizontal logic. Ignore the body of the slides entirely, and just read the action titles one after another:
    • Are there any typos?
    • Does the order/sequence of the slides make sense?
  • Second, a proofreading of the vertical logic. Ignore action titles and footnotes, and just read through the body of the slide:
    • Are there any typos in the body of the slide?
    • Does the body of the slide accurately and efficiently support the action title?
  • Third, a proofreading of the footnotes. Ignore action titles and the body of the slides:
    • Are there any typos in the footnote?
    • Are all numbered footnotes properly linked to something in the body of the slide?
    • Is the numbering of footnotes up-to-date?
